This is the downlow! All you wanna know, and then some...
I'll also try to include some pictures that I feel represent me. For example, I might include a picture from my favorite
movie or TV show, or a photo of a prized possession...
Favorite Stuff
In this area, I'll list some of the things that I like best, for example:
Favorite TV Show: The Brendan Leonard Show, 7th Heaven Favorite Movie: Remember the Titans, Radio, Where the Red Fern
Grows Favorite Music: Anything! Except rap! Favorite Book: The Bible, Silas Marner Favorite Sports Team: DEI, Panthers,
Cowboys, Marlins, Braves Favorite Food: Most food's OK People I Most Admire:
Favorite Quotes
I love to quote, so watch this area!
"My greatest fear is that the African dining squirrel might have already dined. That would be terrible."~Kevin Carlson,